The Transformative Power of 'Yes' in Interior Design

Lately, we have been hearing more and more from past, long-time clients. Clients we've done several rooms with and some we've done several homes with, and it is a special kind of feeling working with our existing clients. It's magical for us really, and when I read this quote it resonated with me because all of these relationships and collaborations that mean so much to us started with, yes. To me, saying "yes" signifies trust, and without trust, collaboration simply cannot exist. 

Trust is the foundation where the magic springs from.

Change is one of the most challenging things we, as humans, face. Even positive changes that we initiate can bring about feelings of wariness and uncertainty. As an interior designer, I thrive on change and have no fear of it! However, I need to keep this in mind when my clients begin to worry and recoil from the idea of change. After all, they hired us to introduce change, but it can cause people to clutch their pearls because, for some, change feels like a loss of control. It can bring up deep-seated issues that we must delicately navigate.

The quote above from Clarice Lispector is something I wanted to share with you. It all begins with a simple "yes." Amazing things transpire when you open your mind and heart and say "yes." When we acknowledge the fear, but decide to move past it, that's when the magic happens. 

Occasionally, clients receive feedback from friends and family on the designs we propose. More often than not, this well-intentioned advice is a projection of their own fears of change, as well as their personal needs and styles. These folks want to protect you because they care about you, we get that. We have those people in our lives too. However, they sometimes forget that you're the same friend who sought out and needed this change and the change will be so good...
they're going to love it almost as much as you.

Our homes are deeply personal spaces…

and our investments in them are significant - as they should be. Our homes are more than mere backdrops to our lives; they are more than just pit stops that we take on the way to something else.

They actively participate in our experiences. They comfort us, entertain us, protect us, and bear witness to all our personal experiences. Inviting professionals into your space and trusting them to reshape your environment is a big step. We don't take this lightly. In fact, we take it quite personally.

We want you to feel at home in your home, and achieving that requires a trusting, collaborative approach that considers both the home and its inhabitants holistically. To create a space that you love and that we're proud to put our names on.

It all begins with a "yes." Maybe even a "hell yes!" 

Let's do this!

'Til Next Time — Arlene


Lamp Season and Beyond: Elevate Your Home


Infusing Elegance and Calm into Your Home Design