Father’s Day Reflections: Finding Connection Through Memories
I remember what must’ve been a torturous conversation for my mom when I was a little girl.
I was trying to understand how I had a dad that wasn’t ever going to come home. I mean, I was a pretty cute and good kid and my sisters were alright, how could you not want to be home?
My poor mom. She had to explain death and war to a little girl who clearly wasn't that bright ‘cuz I just wasn’t getting it. To this day, I don’t really get it and — as insane as it sounds, I still to this day do what I can to make the man that I don’t know, but whose watch I wear every day and who I look an awful lot like, proud.
So, Father’s Day is weird for me.
And for those of you who find it weird for you too, no matter the reason, I see you. For those of you who get the joy of celebrating it, do it with gusto!
If my dad was alive and assuming he didn’t find me annoying, I would actually have him spend Father’s Day with my sisters and the crowds.
The following weekend I would get him all to myself and I would hope that he would like to do the following:
Have a drink at Kay’s Bar with me. My husband and I are in the mural and I’d like to think he’d be kinda proud of that and only be slightly alarmed. It’s a great, cozy neighborhood bar with an impressive whiskey selection. I think he’d like that.
Shop at Filson Outdoor Clothing & Gear with me. This place smells like how I think my dad would’ve smelled. Smokey sage. I know he would’ve loved the clothes. I don’t know how I know, I just know.
Then we'd take a road trip to Fernweh Woodworking studio in Bend. I think he'd love the trip and that he'd have a deep respect for the craftsmanship and the artistry of this gorgeous furniture.
Fernweh Woodworking
Check out the studio here.
I know this is a long blog but I also want to acknowledge Kim’s 10 year anniversary with Lord Design! Some of you who follow us on the socials already knew this but for those who don’t I want to make a big deal out of it because it’s a BIG DEAL!
There are many mornings that I open my eyes and wonder why the hell I am still in this career and then, I picture Kim and the rest of my team.
She, and they, are the why. She started with me 10 years ago and I am thankful for her every single second of every single day. Truly.
That's it!