A Guide to Crafting Your Personal Nest

Where is your space in your home? When the day is done, where do you go in your home to recenter? When the weather (or your mood) turns sour, where is your safe space to curl up? I'm not just talking about your favorite chair in the living room; let's widen the lens! If your home is your sanctuary, then every element should be functionally tailored to you.

Years ago, I was asked to design a living space for the whole family, with a special touch. They wanted a space to curl up together, as a family, and look out over their stunning view of Portland. I loved this concept and designed THE NEST — a rather large sofa in an otherwise small room. Sounds impractical, but there was a method to this madness! We included big pillows, cozy blankets, and easy-to-reach lighting, all sat right in front of a window overlooking Portland. 

Where is this space in your home? I hope you have one and if you don't, I can give you some tips on how to create one. This time of year is tough on people and with the world being so dark and noisy, I think it's imperative that you have a "nest" for yourself. 

My nest at home isn’t completely selfish… I’ve come to discover that nooks in my home that I created for myself are also loved by people who come to visit. It brings me so much joy to see my guests kick off their shoes, curl up in a chair, grab a blanket and settle in with a drink in hand. They feel at home and that is beautiful to me.

But back to you! With the holidays coming up, think about how you can create a space for yourself or spruce up the one you currently have. Picture that place, see your guests enjoying it, AND imagine how it will feel to settle into it at the end of the day or after your company leaves…

You've heard all of the typical tips before so here are some other ones that might be new to you:

It should be effortless.

Set your "nest" up with all that you like to have around you. Magazines? Books? Sketch pad and favorite pencil? Sound canceling earphones? How about that cozy blanket, a really comfy pillow for your lower lumbar support and the all important drink table. Clearly there are a million options. The key is to set it up in such a way that it is ready for you which, I feel, is the ultimate luxury.

Here's some great resources for cozy blankets, drink tables, and all manor of beautiful objects:

Stars Antique
Gladstone Mercantile

Think about converting an outdoor space into a nest like the picture above! Overhead heaters and curtains to hold in the heat can create a fabulous, cozy space.

It's just good for you.

Position yourself, if you can, where you can look out a window. Add a piece (or pieces) of art that you love. This does not have to be from a gallery...but it could be! Or it could be a piece of art that you did or that you thrifted, it doesn't matter. 

Here are some resources for 3D art to decorate and personalize your nest:

Vitre Luxe
Carter and Rose (of course!) (psst.. both of these pictures feature Carter & Rose)
Notary Ceramics

I hope you take the time to create a space for yourself. And, when you are in that space — whether or not you are sharing it or keeping it all to yourself — that you take a minute to reflect and be thankful. There are tiny, beautiful things all around us all the time to be thankful for... from the way light streams through old windows, to a leaf caught on a breeze, to the sound of your dog snoring.

I, for one, am thankful for this beautiful life even as hard and weird as it can be sometimes. I am especially thankful for the people in my tribe and that, of course, includes you.

'Til Next Time — Arlene

Arlene Lord